| (573) 343-4017

Columbia, MO | Rochester, MN



grocery list

My biggest tips for grocery shopping include going with a list and being organized ahead of time. What does organized mean? Check out my grocery list.

Meal Planning

Meal planning not only helps us stay on track with eating consistently, but it helps us make our grocery lists, budget, and make sure we are getting in a good variety of foods. Check out our meal planning guide.


Menu PLanning

Whether cooking for one or cooking for a family, menu planning does not have to be “perfect” and detailed. Check out our menu planning guide to see how we simplify things. If this isn’t as detailed as you’d like, download the meal planning guide above.


mealtime games

For anyone who has meals at the table with their loved ones, it never hurts to have some fun games in your back pocket! To help a loved one in eating disorder recovery, or to help make mealtimes a more pleasant experience for everyone, here are some games to help!

mealtime strategies

For the parent of a child in recovery from an eating disorder, mealtimes can be a challenging experience, but are the cornerstone to recovery. If you need guidance on how to support your child at the table, here is a place to start.


hunger-fullness scale

Listening to your hunger and fullness is the first step towards learning how to trust your body again and for your body to trust YOU! Our dietitians use this scale often in our work with clients. Hunger and Fullness is more challenging than it looks. The best time to implement this is when you are eating three meals per day and having snacks as needed consistently. Reach out to us if you’d like more individualized support with this!

Emoji-Inspired Hunger-Fullness Scale

This is a wordless scale for you to customize for yourself! Made by our dietitian, Lynn Eaton, RD, LD, CDCES


hierarchy of Needs

by Lynn Eaton, RD, LD, CDCES


Gentle Nutrition Triangle

by Lynn Eaton, RD, LD, CDCES


A Parent’s Guide to Eating Disorders

This is a guide created by Isabelle Bouchard to help parent’s navigate how to be the best support possible and learn more about eating disorder treatment for their child.

Snack With A Dietitian

Our dietitians host snack with a dietitian on our instagram page and review current topics and answer questions you may have about nutrition and health.



Read blog posts written by Bamboo Nutrition’s dietitians on various topics.